You know how it works by now, we show you Five Things we’ve seen this week that we think are of interest, and you love ‘em. Simple as that. Always a random mix, this post includes amazing architecture, scary monsters, beautiful bookmaking, a nose into someones diary, and lot of lipstick. Enjoy.
The recent popularity of street art has grown hugely in the last few years, one individual who pioneered the movement back in the early 80’s was pop artist and activist Keith Haring. He was mates with Andy Warhol, his inspiration was huge and his journals have recently been made available to view online by The Keith Haring Foundation. An interesting bloke to say the least, get stuck in.
We like books. A lot. Seeing and holding beautifully crafted, physical objects is a nice reminder that not all information lives behind computer and iPhone screens. Lithographic printing is a brilliant thing and this video shows the process in all its inky glory. Ever wondered what goes into putting a book together? Wonder no more.
Often find yourself in Tokyo after work a hard days work and need somewhere idyllic to unwind for the weekend? Us neither. Those who do now have the option of InBetween House, a stunning collection of cottages in the mountain region just outside of the city. Designed by Koji Tsutsui & Associates, a huge amount of thought has gone into blending the structures into the natural surroundings. View more on Arch Daily.
Skip this one if you’re a big scaredy-pants. ABC monsters is a video put together by French production outfit La Pompadour, taking the viewer on an alphabetical journey through a host of terrifying figures from the history of cinema. Eeeek!
French artist Hubert de Lartigue has painted a series of photorealistic renderings entitled ‘Details‘. Showing extreme close ups of lips, teeth and tongues (and a few other bits), the paintings are at the same time striking, beautiful and slightly unsettling. And yes, they’re paintings, not photographs.
So there you have it! We hope you like what’s been keeping us amused this week. If you do, you might want to check out previous posts in the series here.
Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekends.
Phil & Tom
In response to the Hubert de Lartigue paintings, check out “Lips of Babel” by Elle Muliarchyk:
Comment by Andrew Lowe — March 30th, 2012 @ 4:27 pm |