A while ago we received an email out of the blue asking if we’d like to be involved with an upcoming typography exhibition. Imaginary Menagerie is being held at Text/Gallery in Holborn and features work from a number of designers exploring ‘language’s difficult, tongue-tripping, unpronounceable labyrinths typographically and in their own language’. Using typography to visually communicate a difficult to say phrase or sentence sounded like an interesting brief, so we promptly agreed. Well up for it.
Kubrick by Design 003 – St. Albans Museum
August 12th, 2010 by Mat DolphinKubrick: A Film Maker’s Odessey is an exhibition on display at The Museum of St Albans, a few miles away from the former home of the man himself.
We decided a Mat Dolphin field day was in order. Last weekend saw a trip to St.Albans to check out the exhibition and get a first hand look at some behind the scenes photography, original props, concept sketches and other Kubrick-related artefacts. Curated by The Museum of St Albans and University of Hertfordshire, the exhibition was fully supported by the Kubrick Estate and the Stanley Kubrick Archive at the University of the Arts.
Kubrick by Design 002
June 23rd, 2010 by Mat DolphinIn the second of our series looking into the life and career of Stanley Kubrick. We thought we would shed some light on what was to be his most epic work. Widely touted as The Greatest Movie Never Made, his biopic of Napoleon Bonaparte was in development stages for a staggering 40 years and a true labour of love for the director. Renowned for his meticulous research, Kubrick amassed 25,000 index cards documenting each day of Napoleons life to gain an insight into his subject.
Kubrick by Design 001
April 15th, 2010 by Mat DolphinAs some of you may already know, we’ve got a healthy obsession interest here at Mat Dolphin with all things Stanley Kubrick. The man’s drive, attention to detail, conceptual thinking and never-ending struggle for perfection is a constant source of interest and inspiration and rarely a week goes by without another interesting fact, anecdote or article being discussed around the studio. In short, we’re fans. With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of these insights and share some Kubrick love.