How do you eat yours?

August 28th, 2009 by Mat Dolphin

It’s a strange phenomenon.

You’d think there would be shelves upon Magma bookshelves filled with ‘How to run a design studio’, but until recently it was a topic without a single printed sheet devoted to our most humble of spaces.

When you start out as a graphic designer you immediately hope and believe that one day, just maybe if you get the right experience and luck you’ll have your own studio. But when that time comes around, how do you run it? What makes it successful? What would motivate your team to stay inspired?

It’s a bizarre omission as the studio is a designers natural habitat. Without a studio we’d all be bedroom based and lacking inspiration from others.

To answer these questions and fill that gap on the shelf Tony Brook, founder of consultancy Spin, and Adrian Shaughnessy, co-founder of design group Intro have independently set up Unit Edition, a publishing venture set up ‘by designers for designers’. Their first book launch is to be Studio Culture: The Secret Life of the Graphic Design Studio.


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Limited Edition Build Print

August 19th, 2009 by Mat Dolphin

The poster produced by the hugely talented Michael C. Place/Build for the latest documentary project by Gary Hustwit is now available in limited quantities as a letterpress print in metallic black and silver. It looks amazing, buy it here.


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One Plain, One Fancy

August 17th, 2009 by Mat Dolphin

I’m proud to announce my new submission series!

Send me your interpretations of ‘One Plain, One Fancy’ and it will published on the site along with your personal website details. See below for details.

Get involved!



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Peter Sunna

August 17th, 2009 by Mat Dolphin

Some great work from the Brooklyn-based designer for Zune, New Era and Nike amongst others.

Check out his portfolio here.



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More Than The Music | Part 1

August 12th, 2009 by Mat Dolphin

Most designers have a special relationship with music packaging and design. Many of us entered the creative industry as a direct result of our first encounters with 7” and 12” sleeves, hand drawn TDK mixtape covers, CD inlays and club flyers.


Designers of a certain era can often be heard bemoaning the demise of the record sleeve as a piece of art, a protest that began when the introduction of CDs significantly reduced the size of the canvas. Keep reading…