Five Things 002

April 30th, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

Did the title give it away? The second installment in the series of five interesting things that have caught my eye this week.

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Cropping Up

April 29th, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

Today I thought I’d share something I’ve been seeing quite a bit of recently. Hairy typefaces.

As someone who’s on a never ending hunt for new and interesting typography, I’ve stumbled across some interesting methods for constructing letterforms. One medium that seems to keep cropping up is hair.

With that in mind, I thought I’d share some of the latest hirsute uses of type I’ve seen of late.

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Ten Questions 001 – Michael C. Place

April 27th, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

As well as concentrating on our own work, I always try to ensure I take time to check out what our peers are doing and start conversations with other designers. I don’t think of this dialogue as ‘networking’, but more a chance to chat to other interesting, creative and passionate people who often have a great deal of interesting viewpoints and opinions on issues design-related and otherwise.

With this in mind, I thought I’d ask a range of designers, photographers, illustrators, writers, directors and other interesting people who’s work I admire to answer the same set of ten questions and share the answers along with some examples of their work.

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Five Things 001

April 22nd, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

…is the highly original and ingenious name of the new regular blog feature in which I’ll be posting… five things.

The content of posts will vary but essentially I’ll be showing a regular succession of five design-related goodies that I come across during the week. The ‘things’ might be websites, videos, events, exhibitions, books, films etc. If I see something I think is worth mentioning I’ll be sharing it here.

To kick things off, we have a mixed bag.

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The Vinyl Countdown pt.2 – Jony Lyle Interview

April 20th, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

Following our recent blog post, we had the chance to sit down with director Jony Lyle to ask him a few questions regarding his latest project, To Have And To Hold – an in-depth look into the world of record collectors, DJs and vinyl connoisseurs.

Here’s what we spoke about and another look at the teaser.

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Kubrick by Design 001

April 15th, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

As some of you may already know, we’ve got a healthy obsession interest here at Mat Dolphin with all things Stanley Kubrick. The man’s drive, attention to detail, conceptual thinking and never-ending struggle for perfection is a constant source of interest and inspiration and rarely a week goes by without another interesting fact, anecdote or article being discussed around the studio. In short, we’re fans. With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of these insights and share some Kubrick love.

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The Vinyl Countdown

April 13th, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

As well as being a great DJ and super-talented director, Jony Lyle is a good friend of ours. In his latest project he combines two of his passions; record collecting and film making in a documentary looking into the world of vinyl junkies.

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Bunny Love

April 1st, 2010 by Mat Dolphin

Yesterday I stumbled upon Moving Brands latest project: Living Identity – Experience. It’s a self-initiated piece sharing their philosophy that, in order to thrive in a moving world, a brand must be alive to change, just like the people it wants to connect with and the business it is part of. It looks amazing. I asked them for a copy. Well, if you don’t ask you don’t get.

I looked in my pigeon hole this morning and @movingbrands had sent us an MB sketch book & bag. We emailed straight away to say thank you.

Following a passing mention to the Lindt Easter Bunnies given to all MB-ers this morning we exchanged bunny pics as we had the same idea in our studio today. Before we knew it, we were sharing bunny pics on twitter and the Twitterati were gamely sending over photos of their bunnies in various desktop scenarios. Woop woop! Happy Easter!


This afternoon they posted a quick blog update about our exchange of bunny love and we felt we had to say a further thank you. What better way to say thank you to all at Moving Brands for a day of fun and amusement than to doodle in said sketch book our gratitude and thanks. Happy Easter to one and all.


Bunnies pics via: @gemmawent, @annalisamorgan, @MatDolphin, @movingbrands
