Since we started Mat Dolphin we’ve been working towards and sharing a single ethos: If you give love, you get love™*. It’s a ‘does what it says on the tin’ message, and we apply it to everything we do.
One of the ways we like to give love is by using our @MatDolphin Twitter account to share the work and creativity of others we think will inspire our followers. We’ve been using it for over three years now and in that time we’ve spewed out some 13,000 chunks of love. Everyone has their own agenda, but they way we believe Twitter should work is that is that it’s about you, and not us. On a daily basis we trawl through a huge number of creative websites on your behalf, looking for industry news, work or campaigns we think will interest and inspire. Chucked into the mix is the odd opinion piece or post we write for magazines, but on the whole it’s just content and thoughts to get your brain moving and perhaps even make you smile.