150 of our favourite creative websites + HTML folder download

June 27th, 2012 by Mat Dolphin

Since we started Mat Dolphin we’ve been working towards and sharing a single ethos: If you give love, you get love™*. It’s a ‘does what it says on the tin’ message, and we apply it to everything we do.

One of the ways we like to give love is by using our @MatDolphin Twitter account to share the work and creativity of others we think will inspire our followers. We’ve been using it for over three years now and in that time we’ve spewed out some 13,000 chunks of love. Everyone has their own agenda, but they way we believe Twitter should work is that is that it’s about you, and not us. On a daily basis we trawl through a huge number of creative websites on your behalf, looking for industry news, work or campaigns we think will interest and inspire. Chucked into the mix is the odd opinion piece or post we write for magazines, but on the whole it’s just content and thoughts to get your brain moving and perhaps even make you smile.

Recently we shared a screen grab (see here) of just some of the sites we regularly look at and it got a huge response.

So, in the continued ethos of sharing is caring, we’ve decided to consolidate ALL the creative websites we look at into organised folders, as a downloadable HTML file for each and everyone of you. We’re nice like that.

Hopefully you’ll still stay tuned into our twitter feed — just think of it as us doing the trawling for you — but hopefully the links will inspire you when we’re not around. All that we ask is that you share or RT the post to others, and keep adding to the files. As we’ve said before, these links shouldn’t be your only source of inspiration, but hopefully they’re a start.

Below is a link to download the 150 files (there’s actually 149, soz!), already neatly arranged into sub-folders for you. We’ve tested the file on Firefox, Chrome and Safari, so all you need to do is to find the IMPORT BOOKMARKS FROM HTML link within your browser, upload, and you’re done. Make sure you check out the reference folder too, as this is full of articles that might help you run an agency, be a better freelancer or generally teach you something you didn’t know about the industry. NB. You might have to fiddle about with where the links sit within your bookmarks folder, but as long as you import the file as we’ve mentioned you should be fine.

Just so you know what you’re downloading here’s a quick overview of some of the sites, before we put them into folders. OKAY, ENOUGH ALREADY….GO!

So, you’ve downloaded the file and had a look through… Have we missed any glaring obvious links? Feel free to leave a comment and we’ll do our best to update the HTML file.

NB. Whilst putting these links together a number of people have drawn out attention to www.theinspirationlist.com and www.thedirectoryapp.com, each sharing their own inspiration.
Do check them out.

With love,

Tom and Phil.

*Ps. Look out for more on a specific If you give love, you get love™ project coming soon…

4 Responses to “150 of our favourite creative websites + HTML folder download”

  1. Great resource, I did a similar thing here on my blog: http://soupa.co.uk/links/

    Comment by Jo — June 27th, 2012 @ 11:54 am |
  2. Maybe add this to Branding & Identity:


    Very comprehensive.

    Comment by @mattlaws — June 27th, 2012 @ 1:19 pm |
  3. [...] with the people of Twitter what they have been looking at and where they go to fill up on their daily dose, with more than 150 links on offer as bookmarks its worth downloading and having a mooch for half [...]

    Comment by SHARING IS CARING – The Disciples Of Design — June 27th, 2012 @ 10:22 pm |
  4. I’d appreciate if you would consider adding Processed Identity to your list.


    Regardless, thanks for putting this great resource together.

    Comment by Steve Zelle — June 28th, 2012 @ 11:27 am |

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